Music Walk

When you have been working on a piece for awhile is is a good idea to take it for a walk. Walking coordinates the left and right brain, stimulating memory.

You can take a copy of the score with you if you like, but alternate looking at it with letting it “play” in our mind as you look around you. You can let the piece drift in and out of your consciousness in any way that it wishes. You may hear only sections, or your mind may be thinking about aspects of the piece only. All of this is OK. You only maintain the intention of “listening” to the piece in combination with the visual stimulus of the surroundings.

You do not need to go out of the city to do this, although some people find nature ideal. You can also stroll out of the conservatory and take smaller streets and alleys, sitting down in a quiet place for a few minutes, if you like, before continuing on. Doing this for 15-20 minutes four times in a week is ideal.